Week 9: Fiscal Policy

Video: Fiscal Policy Song



Rating: 1 star (out of 5)

In class, we learned that there are many different combinations of change that an economy can undergo due to fiscal policy. We learned about the 2 types expansionary and contractionary and what each policy is used for. Each policy has an ultimate goal. The goal of expansionary policy is growth and the goal of contractionary is to usually decrease debt. This weeks video featured 5 female students presenting to their class about fiscal policy by singing a song. The song was awful and the low quality of the video made the sound worse. The only words I could make out during the entire song were “shift to the left” and “shift to the right”. Other than that, I had no idea what the girls were singing. There are many aspects of fiscal policy and there is no way that they can all be covered in a 3 minute song. This video was not educational at all and was impossible to understand which is why I gave the video 1 star.