Week 2: PPC Curve

Video: Production Possibility Curve                                                                                                                                 




Rating: 5 stars (out of 5)

Once again this video was in a classroom setting with a male teacher and a whiteboard. The video was somewhat short (2:45) however, the teacher did an excellent job of teaching about the Production Possibility Curve, potential output outcomes, and opportunity cost. In class, we learned that the PPC shows what kind of output is the result of a certain amount of input and the opportunity cost is the value of the next best choice. The biggest concern I would have with having this teacher as my own teacher was his accent made him a little harder to understand. This was the videos one and only flaw. His teachings were dead on with what we have been learning this semester. In less than 3 minutes he efficiently and thoroughly taught about many aspects of the PPC which is why I gave this video 5 stars.